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About Beads for Seeds


The concept of “Beads for Seeds” came about as a way to “better the world through my love of plants”. Selling my polymer clay jewelry and using the funds to purchase open pollinated vegetable seeds so others could grow them was a way I could garden vicariously and share the joy and rewards of gardening.


As I researched possible avenues of sharing seeds, I was drawn to community minded gardening and children friendly gardens. I have always felt that growing some of your own food is important. Giving children the opportunity to learn to grow vegetables, enjoy the process of growing them, and eating them would be a fun and educational project. “Snackscaping”, is the idea of planting vegetable seeds that are fun for children to pick and eat in the garden. Cherry tomatoes, snap peas, colorful radishes, “Lemon” cucumber, and sweet peppers are some of the varieties great for Snackscaping. All seeds are open pollinated so the seeds can be saved and used from season to season and shared with others.



Catalyst for Kids is a non-profit organization established and managed by my sister Lynnise Stoltzfus. She and her family lived in the Ukraine and in 2001 I was able to visit her there. We spent time in rural areas around Vinnitsa visiting orphanages and village communities. The conditions in most of the orphanages at that time were heartbreaking. Since then Lynnise has worked through Catalyst for Kids to provide learning programs, class room space, clothing and medical needs. I have a great love and admiration for my sister and the work she is doing to make positive changes in the lives of children. She operates Catalyst for Kids with integrity and clear accounting of funding. I cannot think of a better organization to work with to distribute seeds and organize gardening projects for children. I am thankful for the help and encouragement she has provided me in my Beads for Seeds ideas.

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